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ISL Bill


CIDP Statement on the enactment of the ISL bill

The 14th of December was a historic day for every member of the Deaf community. For years, Deaf people have fought for recognition of their language and cultural identity and after 30 years of fighting for this right, the day has finally come. It is only when speaking with Deaf members of CIDP and others from the Deaf Community that one understands how much this means to each and every person. As one colleague put it, the passing of the bill wasa butterflies in the stomach moment, when they realised that the bill was actually going to be enacted into law.

Finally, years of striving for recognition has borne fruit and CIDP are delighted to be involved with so many great organisations within the Deaf world who led this fight. We are looking forward to the opportunities that it will bring for all Deaf people to be recognised as equal citizens and have the same level of access to services as those in the hearing community. We especially look forward to using this recognition to better support those we serve in both our boarding and adult services.

Well done to the IDS and all other groups and individuals who strove for this and to the Senator Mark Daly and others who championed the cause.