Providing services to children and young adults in Boarding Campus.
Our Boarding Campus
We are committed to delivering high quality support services through ISL to Boarders.
Reach Deaf Education Services operates two separate gender-based children’s Boarding Campuses in Cabra for children and young adults who attend the school on campus: St. Mary’s Boarding Campus for Deaf Girls, and St. Joseph’s Boarding Campus for Deaf Boys. Children live on campus Sunday to Friday during school term-time. We are committed to offering our boarding services to people with diverse Deaf identities, and of all abilities.
Boarders spend a significant portion of their childhood, teenage and young adult years on campus. With this in mind, our aim is to provide a happy and safe ‘home away from home’ experience. This involves each child having a responsive and caring relationship with the staff, lasting friendships with other children, maintaining contact and relationships with their family and developing positive identities in both the Deaf and their local communities. It also involves staff creating opportunities for children to enjoy and try a wide range of activities, to learn the skills needed to live an independent life, and to gain confidence. We envision children transitioning from boarding life to adult life as prepared and fulfilled, and with a life-long network of support from the Deaf Community.
Ultimately, a happy boarding journey which is ‘best in class’ is what we aim to offer every child and young adult who boards here.
The Boarding Campuses are staffed by a team of professional and supportive people, and this includes Team Leaders, Social Care Staff, Medical Department, Catering, Cleaning Staff and Transport Staff. Staff are led and supported by a management team – a Head of Care and a Care Manager.
Holy Family School for the Deaf
There is a close and supportive collaboration between the Holy Family School for the Deaf and and St Mary’s and St Joseph’s Boarding Campuses.