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Amalgamation of St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s schools


Amalgamated School for the Deaf 


The decision to bring to completion the amalgamation of St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Schools for the Deaf, Cabra was taken by our Patron Arch Bishop Diarmuid Martin in December 2015.

Since this date, Single Mangers, Mrs Mary Hogan and Mr. Tadgh O’Donoghue have been working together with CIDP, the Principals and staff of both schools to progress this merger in time for the start of the new school year 2016.

St. Mary and St. Joseph’s school communities have recently held special ceremonies to acknowledge and celebrate their respective histories and achievements. As the schools move forward into a new era, CIDP would also like to acknowledge the successes and the part played by both schools nationally and internationally in the history of deaf education. The Single Mangers and the Board of CIDP are deeply appreciative of the dedication of both Principals and the hard work and commitment of the staff of both schools past and present.

Arch Bishop Diarmuid Martin has also taken the decision that the amalgamated school is to be named Holy Family School for the Deaf.  We can also confirm that following interview, Ms Eimear O’Rourke has been appointed to the position of Principal of the new school. We wish her every success in this new role.

The Early Intervention classes in the Pre-School and the Primary section of the school will remain at their current locations on the Marian Campus, Ratoath Road. The successful merger of the primary classes from both St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s, this school year, assures us of a very positive outcome for full amalgamation.

The Department of Education and Skills has committed to a renovation of the Rosary building on the Dominican Campus, currently St. Mary’s Post Primary, as the permanent location for the amalgamated Post Primary section of the school.  In the interim, with the consent of the Board of CIDP  and to ensure the safety of pupils and staff during the building works, the Post Primary classes will be based in the Edmund Rice building, St. Joseph’s.

Mrs Mary Hogan and Mr. Tadgh O’Donoghue will continue to act as Single Mangers of St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s until the start of the new school year and then as Joint Managers of Holy Family School for the Deaf until a new Board of Management is appointed in October 2016.